Inicio Educational Trust Ofsted good 2023

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Biggin Hill School, Bromley

Inclusion & Wellbeing

Communication between parents and school is a key part of providing children with the best experiences and opportunities possible. We operate an open door policy and welcome parents and carers to meet with our Inclusion Lead, Mrs Lawrence and our Family Worker and Inclusion Assistant, Mrs Sargeant.

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

At Biggin Hill Primary School we pride ourselves on promoting inclusivity for all and continuously strive to provide the best provision we can for our children and families.

We carefully consider the learning and wellbeing needs of all children individually; including those with SEND. We provide our teaching staff and Learning Support Assistants with high quality professional development to ensure that the additional needs of our children can be met in a mainstream setting.

The environment at Biggin Hill Primary is developing regularly and consciously adapted to meet the needs of our children. We strongly believe that by providing our children with an environment to suit their needs, they will be successful with us academically, socially and emotionally. In addition to dyslexia friendly classrooms and alternative workspaces we are proud to offer:

The Hub

The Hub is a hive of activity and a space integral to providing our children with additional support; including those who have the potential to reach beyond age expectations. Within The Hub you will find access to computers plus a range of resources to support children in reaching age expectations and beyond. The Hub provides a working environment with a variety of alternative seating areas, the use of technology and an area to take part in more physical interventions such as physio and motor skills. Please refer to our intervention menu to see a full range of what is available to our children.

The Bubble Room

The Bubble Room is a sensory heightening environment for all children to access. The Bubble room is a firm favourite amongst many of our children with sensory floor tiles, large bubble tubes, low lighting, beanbags and lego!

The Hangar

The Hangar is a provision carefully adapted to meet the needs of our children with a diagnosis of Autism or those who have social communication difficulties. The room is especially designed to be low sensory to provide a calming alternative to being in the classroom. This includes individual booths, a calming area, trained adults specialising in ASD plus carefully selected resources to support our children.

The Haven

A new addition to our school is The Haven; a specially designed sensory garden constructed by both staff and parents to support the wellbeing needs of all children through mentoring, coaching and within our curriculum.


At Biggin Hill Primary School we understand the importance of mental health awareness and encourage all children and families to speak out if they feel unsure, unhappy or in need of support. We recognise that good wellbeing is key to a child's development; emotionally, physically and educationally.

We celebrate school life and the achievements of all our children regardless of their abilities and educational needs in a number of ways. We use assemblies to educate the children and provide them with a diverse and enriched curriculum building resilience and acceptance towards others and of themselves. We shout from the rooftops that we are in fact all the same but also different from each other, ensuring that every child feels appreciated, cared for and most importantly valued. We strive to ensure our children feel proud of themselves, but also teach them that it is ok not to be ok and provide them with coping strategies to succeed.

Through extra provisions such as mentoring support, pet therapy, a sensory room and garden we strive to create spaces for children to work through any difficulties they may be experiencing with trusted members of the school team. These opportunities teach the children that speaking out and raising their own mental health needs can have a positive effect on not just themselves but their families and the school community as a whole.

Every member of staff at Biggin Hill Primary School promotes mental health awareness and monitors the children closely to identify any child who may need support. Procedures are in place for any concerns to be followed up quickly ensuring that the appropriate support is provided for individuals - please contact Kath Sargeant, Family Worker and Inclusion Assistant for further information

What do I do if I have concerns about my child? SEND Policy 2023-2024 Accessibility Plan 2023-2026 SEND Information Report How will my child be supported at Biggin Hill Primary School? Intervention Menu Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy Wellbeing Provision Map

To view a wealth of Inclusion, wellbeing and family support information, please visit our Padlet
We hope this tool provides you with up to date information as well as signposting you to support that is available.

View our Inclusion and Wellbeing One Stop Guide

BHPS One Stop Guide Inclusion & Wellbeing leaflet (one-sided & read on screen format)
BHPS One Stop Guide Inclusion & Wellbing Tri-fold (double-sided printing format)

Inclusion & Wellbeing illustrative image 1

The Hub is a dedicated space and resource centre where we can provide additional support, small group teaching and interventions.

Inclusion & Wellbeing illustrative image 2 Inclusion & Wellbeing illustrative image 3

The Bubble Room provides a sensory heightening environment to stimulate the senses.

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The Hanger provides a low sensory workspace for children with ASD or social communication difficulties.

Inclusion & Wellbeing illustrative image 6

The Haven is a unique and special sensory garden to support the wellbeing needs of all children.

Inclusion & Wellbeing illustrative image 7