Notice Board
4G Andy Goldsworthy class assembly - Wednesday 24th January
Year 4 multiplication check DFE - week beginning 3rd June
Bushcraft - Wednesday 19th - Friday 21st June
Year 4
This year in English, we will be reading high-quality texts, including The Iron Man, The Shackleton Journey and FaRther. We will learn to make inferences from what we have read and in our writing, we will become proficient in using paragraphs in both our fiction and non-fiction composition.
In Maths, we will develop our understanding of place value, and we will become increasingly familiar with formal methods of calculation: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. In preparation for the Times Tables Check in June, we will memorise our times' tables facts to 12x12, practising them daily in class and at home.
Topics this year include:
Highlights of the year will include various Buzz days, including Roman Day and Digestion Day, swimming lessons, and a two day residential trip at Bushcraft!
4G Andy Goldsworthy class assembly - Wednesday 24th January
Year 4 multiplication check DFE - week beginning 3rd June
Bushcraft - Wednesday 19th - Friday 21st June
Maths Game - Hit the Button