At Biggin Hill Primary School we track all children's achievement in relation to age related outcomes. Our curriculum is sequenced so that children develop the relevant skills and knowledge needed to meet the national expectations for their year group. As a school we use a combination of teacher assessment and standardised assessments to track children's progress throughout the year. Information about a child's achievement and progress is communicated three times a year at parent conferences as well as via a written academic report, which is produced at the end of the year.
Pupil progress reviews are held each half term and are attended by class teachers and the senior leadership team. At these meetings work is moderated and data is analysed. Children's attainment and progress are discussed and actions are put in place in order to address any issues that have arisen.
Children joining in reception are assessed using the Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA). At the end of reception all children are assessed against the Early Learning Goals from the Early Years Framework.
Children in Year 1 complete the national phonics screening test.
Children in Year 4 complete the national multiplication tables check.
At the end of KS2 children complete SATs tests.
All children complete ongoing assessments to support the tracking of progress.
BHPS Assessment Outcomes 2023 View Biggin Hill Primary on Ofsted Biggin Hill Primary School performance tables