About Biggin Hill Primary School
As headteacher at Biggin Hill Primary School, it is always a pleasure to welcome prospective parents and carers to our school; we always enjoy meeting new families and showing them around our lovely school.
If you are considering our school for your child and would like to arrange a tour, please do contact us at 01959 575846 or email a.dawkins@bigginhillps.com.
When it comes to selecting a school for your child, every question you have is important - please do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you require any further information.
My very best wishes,
Mrs Freeman
Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead
Welcome to Biggin Hill Primary School and to our website where you can find out all about our school and our creative approach to teaching and learning.
Our aim for all of the children who attend Biggin Hill Primary School - is for them to be happy, find a love for learning, and for them to reach their full potential.
We take enormous pride in our school and believe we offer a very unique and exciting provision for children.
We are very proud to offer:
- A creative and engaging curriculum where our staff think ‘outside the box’ to find fun and engaging ways for children to learn and access the curriculum.
- A curriculum that equips children with the knowledge and skills that they will need in order to lead safe, happy and healthy lives. Our PSHE and RSE curriculum teaches the children about how to keep themselves safe and healthy in an age appropriate and timely manner.
- An established, experienced and very committed staff team who all go the extra mile for children and their families.
- A strong ethos of ‘inclusion for all’ and a firm understanding and belief that all children are different and each child's interests and learning experience is of equal value and importance.
- Our commitment to working in partnership with parents and carers - we value their input and understand that they know their children best.
- Enrichment of the curriculum through our established Forest School taught by our qualified and experienced Forest School Lead.
- Specialist providers for the teaching of Computing and PE - children look forward to these exciting, fun and engaging sessions.
- An established Before-School Club and After-School Club, BHPS-Xtra, which is run by school staff who children are familiar with. This enables us to offer wraparound care for our children.
- After school enrichment clubs - both indoor and outside - run by external providers.
- Our own Pre-School - enabling a child’s “Biggin Hill journey” to start with us from 3 years old. Our pre-school children have their own safe and secure area and garden, and they also take advantage of the many opportunities to integrate with the rest of the school as well as enjoy Forest School sessions.
- An experienced and dedicated family worker who works with children and families to offer guidance, support and promote good well being, as and when this is needed.
- Extensive, beautiful school grounds. We have a playground for KS1 with apparatus and a castle, a KS2 playground with outside exercise equipment and a trim-trail. We also have a fabulous shared school field where the children enjoy school sports days and school events. Our grounds also give us the opportunity to take the classroom outside - there really is so much space!
I am very proud and privileged to be Headteacher of this wonderful school. We would love to show you everything that we have to offer and are very happy to welcome prospective parents and carers and their children for a visit.
The information you will find on our website will give you an insight into the experience we can offer here at Biggin Hill Primary School. Of course, this can only give a small flavour of our school, so if you have any questions or would like to find out more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for taking the time to visit our website.
My very best wishes,
Hannah Freeman
Biggin Hill Primary School