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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 4th February 2022

Posted: Fri 4th Feb 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

Today children in reception to year 6 celebrated Number Day and took part in Dress up for Digits in support of the NSPCC across the school. Children enjoyed dressing up in a numbers theme and spent the day enjoying a variety of engaging maths activities. Thank you for your very kind donations today and to Mrs Buchanan, Maths Lead, for organising and leading the day.

We were also delighted to welcome a group of parents and carers into school yesterday for an outreach session on Wellbeing and Anxiety. I would like to thank the Inclusion team for running these very worthwhile sessions for the school - I think at the current time, this wellbeing and anxiety session was very fitting and important.

We are now in the throes of finalising our programme for Careers and Aspirations Day which is taking place on Friday 25th February. There is still time to be involved with this important day! We are keen to hear from any parents and carers who would like to come in and take part in our KS2 Careers Fair and/or speak to children in either KS1 or KS2 about their job/career. If you are only available for an hour in the morning or from 1.30pm in the afternoon, we would love to welcome you to school. Please email Mrs Helps at if you can help in any way.

Mrs Lawrence, Deputy Head and Inclusion Lead and Mrs Smart, Chair of the Friends of Biggin Hill Primary School, were delighted to welcome Tim Stevens, Chair of the Biggin Hill Carnival Committee and his wife, Cllr. Melanie Stevens, to school last Friday morning. They came to present us with a £400 cheque for the school. On behalf of the children and staff at Biggin Hill Primary School, I would like to thank the Biggin Hill Carnival Committee for their kind donation and enormous generosity towards our school.

Next week we look forward to Parent Consultations, which will take place in school on Thursday 10th February from 3.30-6.50pm and Friday 11th February from 8.30-10.50am, please note that Friday 11th is also an INSETday. Jesse Owens Class (Miss O’Mahony’s class) will be holding parent consultations on Tuesday 8th February from 3.30-5.30pm and Wednesday 9th February from 3.30-6.50pm. The booking system for parent consultation slots opened at 8am on Wednesday 2nd February and will close on Wednesday 9th February at 12.00pm. All slots need to be booked via your Arbor log in. If there are any parents/carers that would rather attend parent consultations remotely, please book your appointment via Arbor in the usual way and email your child’s class teacher to advise that you would like to attend this appointment remotely.

Next Week is Internet Safety Week (YR-6) and you will have received a letter on Wednesday regarding the content that we will be covering in school. If you have any queries regarding the content, please do not hesitate to contact me. As a school, we have made the decision to keep all current restrictions in place as they are until the end of term, however we feel on balance that parent consultations held in person are of huge importance and also provide you with the opportunity to look at your child’s work. We must request that if you are visiting school, you complete a LFD test and only attend if your result is negative.

I am hopeful that the half-term will act as a natural circuit break and will enable us to return to normal when we are back. I will, of course, keep you informed. Have a wonderful weekend.

My very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead 





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