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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 9th February 2023

Posted: Fri 10th Feb 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have come to the end of what has been an exceptionally busy half term at BHPS. The children have been fantastic - they have shown such endeavour in their work and brilliant behaviour for learning.

This week has been Safer Internet Week and Safer Internet Day was on Tuesday which is a global campaign to promote the safe and responsible use of technology to help to create a better internet. The theme for 2023 is ‘Want to talk about it? Making Space for conversations about life online’. Using the internet safely and positively is a key message that we promote in school, and to celebrate the theme of Safer Internet Day this year, we began our online safety learning and have had conversations about our life online and how we can keep ourselves and others safe.

I hope the children in R-Y6 have had an opportunity to complete the ‘App Review Template’ which was sent to parents and carers along with Miss Farrell’s letter on 2nd February. Any completed templates can be emailed to or handed in to your child’s class teacher. Children who complete the App Review Template will be awarded with a Safer Internet Day certificate! I would like to thank Miss Farrell, Computing Lead, for planning and leading the activities across the school this week for both KS1 and KS2. Yesterday you will have received an electronic version of the ‘Online Safety Workshop for Parents/Carers 2023’ for you to watch at your leisure. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Miss Farrell directly.

On Wednesday you will have received a letter regarding scooters and bikes. Please can I just reiterate that scooters and bikes must NOT be ridden on the school site and children must dismount these before the white line - this is very important for keeping
everyone on our site safe.

I would also like to thank the Friends of BHPS for arranging and hosting ‘Bingo and Bubbles’ at the school last Friday evening. This proved to be a brilliant evening and was enjoyed by all!

Myself and the leadership team are very much looking forward to welcoming parents and carers to parent consultations both today and tomorrow. These consultations will provide you with the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress, wellbeing and achievement at school. Please make sure you take a little time to look through your child's work and celebrate their achievements with them - children love to talk about their learning and are always very proud to talk about their school work.

Please also remember that it is an inset day tomorrow (Friday 10th February) and school is closed to children. Children are very welcome to attend parent consultations,
however must be supervised by parents and carers at all times.

Thank you to everyone for taking part in Number Day and supporting the NSPCC with your kind donations. By taking part in ‘Dress for Digits’ and supporting the NSPCC we are delighted to have raised £350.25! 

I would like to wish all our children, families and staff a very enjoyable half term and a wonderful break.

We look forward to welcoming everyone back to school on Monday 20th February.

My very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead

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