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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 24th March 2023

Posted: Fri 24th Mar 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you to Colosseum class for a wonderful assembly this morning - it was brilliant for us all to find out about the amazing work they have been doing in class and the singing was fabulous!. Well done to 1C and Miss Castledine and ‘thank you’ to parents and carers for coming.

It was a pleasure to welcome parents and carers to our Ambassadors and Special Awards Assembly on Monday morning - being able to award these badges is such a privilege for the leadership team. A special ‘well done’ to all the recipients of these awards.

I would also like to thank the Friends of BHPS for their tremendous effort and organisation of the ‘Mothers and Special Others’ gifts. This was so wonderfully organised - thank you so much.

On Wednesday, Year 3 enjoyed a Victorian themed day in school and found out what it
was like to attend school as a Victorian child. They enjoyed writing with chalk on a
blackboard and following the school rules.

Well done to our Year 6 Netball team for playing such a brilliant match against CMO
Netball Club on Wednesday. Mrs Horgan informed us that it was a fabulous match -
our team showed such resilience, sportsmanship and they represented the
school brilliantly. Thank you to Mrs Horgan for organising for BHPS to take part in the

On Tuesday, we were also delighted to extend a very warm welcome to Ms Dulay
to our school. Ms Dulay is a very experienced headteacher and school improvement partner working in schools across Central and North London and visited our school so we could gain an external viewpoint of our provision as a whole. Myself and the leadership team were very pleased with how the visit went and the fabulous teaching that Ms Dulay saw across the school. An external review helps to objectively see what we are doing well but also where there are areas that could be improved. As well as all of the positive feedback, we also have some great ideas about what we can do to improve. I would like to thank Ms Dulay for visiting our school and feel that her experience, knowledge and feedback will be very valuable.

We are also delighted to advise that the Bromley Children & Families Voluntary Sector Forum will be hiring our site to deliver a Holiday Activities Food (HAF) Multi Activity Camp during the Easter holidays. The HAF Multi Activity Camp is a brilliant opportunity for eligible families for their children to experience a wonderful range of outdoor and creative activities. The Multi Activity Camp will be running at the school on 4 & 5th April and 11 & 12th April from 9am-3pm. This is a very exciting initiative for both the Bromley Children & Families Voluntary Sector Forum and Biggin Hill Primary School.

For the HAF to be able to offer this scheme to eligible families in the local area is fantastic. To check for eligibility, please visit:

Mrs Sargeant, Family Liaison and Mental Health Lead said “We have been working with the Bromley Children & Families Voluntary Sector Forum for a number of years. This service is brilliant at supporting and signposting families in need within the area. Having the HAF Multi Activity Camp running at the school during the Easter holidays further embeds our relationship with them. This is an excellent opportunity for families in need within our school, the local community and the London Borough of

I would like to thank Ms Dawkins for working with the Bromley Children & Families Voluntary Sector Forum and for taking the lead with them to set this up at our school.

Next week, our School Council have two very important events running: 

Easter Eggs
On Tuesday, 28th March the School Council will be visiting Biggin Hill Community Centre to deliver ‘Easter to the Elders’ at their community luncheon. For this, we need a little help and we are asking that every family provides one small easter egg for the School Council to then present to the elderly people in our community. This is a lovely initiative for our school community to be involved with. Please can I ask that eggs are brought into school on Monday 27th March and given directly to class teachers. Any
Easter eggs that we have left over will be placed in a raffle and any money raised will go towards the School Council fundraising pot (e.g. for art and crafts or paint for our new friendship benches).

Easter Cake Sale
On Wednesday, 29th March the School Council will be holding their first School Council Cake Sale. For this, we need a little help and we are asking for donations of homemade/shop bought cakes (please remember no nuts) to be brought into school on the morning of Wednesday 29th March. The cakes will then be sold after school outside the main reception area. All money raised will go towards our School Council fundraising pot. Please can we ask that any cakes brought into school are either left on the tables outside the main reception area or given to teachers directly.

These two lovely initiatives and requests have come directly from our amazing School Council members. Myself and Mrs Snelling very much hope that you are able to support them with these thoughtful ideas.

We would like to thank parents, carers and grandparents for assisting with the sewing in Year 4 both today and yesterday - we really couldn’t have assisted all the children without your incredible support - thank you.

Have a wonderful weekend.

My very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead


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