Inicio Educational Trust Ofsted good 2023

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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 23/24 - Issue 17 dated 8th February 2024

Posted: Fri 9th Feb 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have come to the end of another very productive half term. I would like to thank the children for their enthusiasm and commitment to their learning - what super stars! I would also like to thank our amazing staff team for all their hard work. Thank you to parents and carers for coming to parent consultation meetings; your support for and interest in your childrens’ learning is very much valued and appreciated by us all.

We are very sorry to have said goodbye to Miss Coker - she has been such an asset to our school and we wish her the very best of luck in her new job. Thank you to Ms Santos who, after a very short time with us, is returning to her studies. We have successfully appointed new staff to fill these roles and will provide details about our new starters after half term.

BHPS Extra has been busier than ever this term - thank you to Mrs Snelling and the breakfast club team and Mrs Greenslade and the ASC team for doing such a great job in running these provisions. Thank you also to the staff who have volunteered to run the early pre-school club - we will continue with this provision, as we know that many families are finding it useful. We will be moving over to Arbor as a payment system from today - thank you to Mrs Dawkins and Mrs Murphy for their hard work in getting this up and running. Please note that if debt has been transferred, you will not be able to book any services until this is cleared. If you are in need of support please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Thank you to Mr & Mrs Downer for their kind donation of biscuits for Forest School - they have been very much enjoyed by the children!

We are very much looking forward to another busy half term - starting back on Monday, 19th February and hope that you all enjoy the half term break.

Mrs Freeman


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