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Biggin Hill School, Bromley


Newsletter 16th June 2023

Posted: Fri 16th Jun 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,

It was a pleasure for Mr Devlin to welcome parents and carers to the Pyramid class assembly this morning. We are very proud of the progress our reception children have made this year and it was wonderful to see everything that they have been learning - the singing and ocean facts were fabulous! Thank you to parents and carers for coming.

On Monday we waved off our Year 6 children as they headed out on their last trip - a residential to the Isle of Wight. Albeit a little later than organised, we were delighted that they made the afternoon ferry and arrived in time for the planned early evening settling in activities. The children have had a fabulous week so far - we are expecting them back at school later today.

Our Year 6 children that did not attend the residential trip have had a fabulous week and enjoyed bowling and a Marlow’s lunch plus a visit to Beckenham Park with Olive, our school dog, where they enjoyed some fun in the sunshine, a picnic and ice-cream. They have also enjoyed some cooking and art activities over the last few days. I would like to thank Miss O’Mahony, Mrs Buchanan, Miss Gray and Miss Wigfield for taking Year 6 to the Isle of Wight this week and also Mrs Sargeant, Miss Page, Mrs Rooney, Mrs Gordon and Mrs Greenslade for assisting with looking after our Year 6 children that
didn’t attend the Isle of Wight.

We look forward to finding out all about their adventures in next week’s newsletter!
Thank you to Mrs Snelling for organising our BAG2SCHOOL collection on Monday and thank you to parents and carers for donating clothing for recycling.

On Wednesday, I was pleased to share with you the outcome of the consultation for PE kit and Forest School kit for the next academic year. If you do have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Yesterday we sent a letter regarding the additional government initiative regarding Universal Free School Meals (UFSM), which is effective from September for children in Year 3-6. If you are a parent/carer in Year 2-5 and have received this letter, please do complete the Google form as this gives us an indication for planning our lunchtime provision for the next academic year.

Can we please just ask parents and carers to be extra vigilant when children are riding to school on scooters or bikes. It is very important for children to wear a helmet and stay very close to parents and carers for their own safety.

We have seen an increase in temperature this week in school and would like to ask that children have a freshly re-filled water bottle in school each day, a sun hat and also sunscreen applied before they come to school.

We are approaching a very busy time of year - please do keep a close eye on the ‘Diary Dates’ section as we generally post as many dates here as we can.

Have a wonderful weekend.

My very best wishes,

Mrs Freeman

Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead




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